By Susan Carter, CSUE Tri River Area Horticulture and
Natural Resource Agent
drought through much of Western Colorado, and lower snow amounts in many areas,
snow melt was earlier this year than normal. We
start our CSU Extension Native Plant Master courses at lower elevations in the
Tri River Area and head higher, beginning in April and typically into
August. This year during the first two
classes we noticed the plants were done!
Many shriveling from drought and others already going to seed. So once we heard and saw that the wildflowers
on the Grand Mesa were blooming, we moved that class earlier, and boy are we
glad we did.
As I am writing this article, it is actually raining- YES!
That will help the flowers. Some of the
flowers on the Grand Mesa seemed to be a super bloom or stellar bloom at
that. The five nerved sunflower was one
of those that was amazing. It is called
five nerved as it has a mid-vein and four side veins. The flowers always face to the east, so this
is a good one if you get lost.
Subalpine meadow. Photo by Susan Carter |

If you are new to going out into nature,
as many people are due to COVID-19, know the rules before you go. Pick up after your dogs, because it can hurt wildlife and takes the enjoyment out
of looking at plants with a big pile of dog poo there. Try to stay on trails especially if the soils
are fragile or the plants are rare. We
do go off trail in some instances to learn certain plants, but we try to avoid
stepping on plants, and step on rocks when possible. Keep your dogs on a leash, this protects them
and the wildlife. Don’t dig up or pick
flowers. Save them for others to enjoy, and so the plants can reproduce. If we all
pick or dig, it does end up having a big impact on the plants. Just look up how Washington DC had to come up
with a program to keep people from picking cherry blossoms, it was killing the
trees. If you want to dig, visit the
entity that the plants are growing on, for example BLM or USFS. They have inexpensive permits for digging or
collecting forestry products, and this allows them to record and realize if some
areas are being overused so they can protect plant populations. And keep your foraging to a minimum. The wildlife needs it to get through the
drought and winter. Visit
exile, butterfly, on Aster |
back to the wildflowers, it is so fun to see all the colors and to see all the
pollinators. At higher elevations flies
and bumblebees are the two main types of pollinators. I learned something about fireweed this
year. The flower only lives two days. The first day the male parts of the flowers
mature, and the bumblebee likes to sleep on this flower overnight. The second day the female parts mature,
and guess what, the bumblebee just spread the pollen on the flower while he is
there overnight. Makes you wonder all
the different ways that plants and pollinators help each other. Some flowers, like the white flowered pea and
evening primrose, turn a different color once they are
pollinated. The evening primrose can
even be pretty as they go from white to pink or yellow to orange. This tells the pollinators to move on.
While walking through the wildflowers, take time to look
down. We have so many small flowers that
you might not notice. An example would be Rock Androsacea, Easter daisies or the trailing
daisy. It is also good to appreciate
that some plants like the Monument plant (also known as Elk weed because the
elk like to eat it), only bloom once in their life time! So there is much to appreciate while you are
taking a walk through the wildflowers.
Tread Lightly. |
Ladybug on Fleabane, Susan Carter photo |
Rock Androsace, photo by Susan Carter |
From All of us on the Grand Mesa, Take care and enjoy.
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