by Kristina Hughes
Gardening in the
mountains is full of challenges, so I am always looking for reliable sources of
horticultural information pertinent to our region and our specific issues (like
this blog!). And it is especially important to have good information when
trying to figure out what’s wrong with a struggling plant.
For the past two
seasons I have been volunteering at the Jeffco Diagnostic Clinic where people
bring us their sick plants for diagnosis. They also bring us insects they
suspect might be doing evil in their landscapes, mysterious fungi that have
appeared unbidden (often in mulch), and unfamiliar plants about whose identity
clients are simply curious. We have to solve all kinds of garden and landscape
We have an entire
library of resource materials at the Clinic, including compendia of turf
diseases and vegetable diseases, books large and small on almost every plant
pathology subject. But I have found that there one which is my favorite. I
don’t leave home without it (literally - I keep a copy in my car at all times).
It’s easy to use and easy to understand. It’s geared specifically to problems
in Colorado. I’ve been known to read it in my spare time because it’s so well
organized and has such good pictures.....
It is ‘Insects and
Diseases of Woody Plants in Colorado’ from CSU Extension, 2014 edition. It is a
soft-cover, spiral-bound book of 322 pages and it cost $40 when I bought my
copy several years ago.
It’s easier to use
than any of the other books because in the back near the index there is a
excellent key which directs the reader to the most likely culprits for any
given plant.
Have you ever wondered
why Ponderosa pines drop the tips of their branches periodically? If you looked
in the back of this book, under ‘Pines’ there is a subsection for ‘Affecting
trunk and larger branches’ and then a listing for ‘Chewing off twigs’ which
directs you to read about Abert's squirrels on page 259. There you will find
pictures of the types of damage squirrels can do to trees along with detailed
information about which plants they damage, times of year damage is most likely
to occur, life cycle of squirrels and recommendations for management. It is
just enough detail for a layperson to be able to identify the problem and
execute a solution confidently, without getting lost in overly technical
Spruce Gall Photo by Kristina |
Have you seen this on
a spruce?
Or this on an aspen?
Poplar Twiggall Fly Photo by Utah State Extension |
With this book, it’s
easy to find out that the first one is Cooley Spruce Gall (page 140) and its
mostly a cosmetic issue which usually doesn’t require intervention. The second
one is caused by Poplar Twiggall Fly (page 141)which also doesn’t do much
damage to the plant.
This book addresses
only problems of woody plants. But our woody plants are long-lived, important
foundational elements in our landscapes and their loss can be devastating. This
book contains a very broad range of information on insects, larger animal
pests, bacteria, fungi, as well as non-living causes of disease, all organized
in a highly accessible manner, which makes it easier for us to help our plants
when they are struggling. I wish there were more books like this for other types
of plants.
We have so many
challenges in the mountains and having correct information allows us to be more
effective when dealing with those challenges. I have found this book to be
incredibly useful both in my personal gardening and in my various Master
Gardener roles. It’s also just fun to read!
Kristina Hughes
Clear Creek County
Master Gardener