By Yvette Henson, San Miguel Basin, CSU Extension
My definition for herbs is ‘useful’ plants. The Merriam Webster definition of an herb is
“any plant with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavoring, food, medicine or
perfume.” The past two gardening seasons, I have returned to herb gardening
like I did when I was first learning to garden, and I have been using my herbs
in many ways! I would like to share with
you my favorite herbs and how I use them. Since I garden at 8,400 feet, all these
herbs should grow well for anyone who gardens at a high elevation site, with
cooler temperatures.
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Calendula flowers and seeds |
I will start with Calendula officinalis. Most people
call it by its Genus name, Calendula, but another common name is pot marigold, alluding
the fact that it is edible. It can be used
fresh in a salad or cooked with spinach or added to soup. It can also be dried and ground and used to
color rice, etc.
Calendula is useful in salves and lotions and is
scientifically proven to be good for skin. The variety that is reported to
contain high amounts of the compounds that are good for the skin, is ‘Resina’
but any Calendula variety will work. I use the salve for any skin
irritation—it is my favorite salve because it is so soothing. I also made a diaper cream for my
granddaughter that works well. Many
recipes can be found on the internet.
You can find Calendula in shades of yellow, orange and peach, the most common being orange. It is a cool-season annual that grows in average soil. If happy, it will bloom continuously until a killing frost, and will reseed itself. The seeds can be collected and re-planted. If stored properly (consistently cool, dry, and dark) the seeds remain viable for about nine years.
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German Chamomile, Matricaria chamomilla
For the past two years, I have grown German
Chamomile, Matricaria chamomilla, from seed. When danger of frost is past, I transplant
the young, hardened-off seedlings into pots or raised beds in my garden. I love it for its abundant bloom and
delicious-smelling flowers. It is the
yellow disk flowers that contain the fragrance and oils.
Use in tea and infuse in oil for salves. Besides making a
calming tea for us to drink, a strong, cooled chamomile tea can be applied to
seedling trays at the first sign of damping-off disease, and it really
works! My daughter has eczema. She uses the salve I made her when she starts
getting an outbreak and it clears it up!
It is also a calming salve for babies.
Grow chamomile in well-drained, lean soil. Plant hardened-off seedlings into the garden after chance of frost. Continuously remove blooms as they open to promote continuous bloom. I dry the cut blooms in paper bags or spread out on newspapers in a dark area.
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Dandelion blooms--Taraxacum officinalis
We built our
house on ‘virgin’ land in a Ponderosa/Pinon/Juniper forest. I was so dismayed
when the dandelions started coming up— I did not want anything non-native
growing without my permission. Apparently,
we brought them here, because they were not there before. Although I tried to
remove them, each year they multiplied in number, until I finally gave up.
Now, I pick
the young greens in early spring and sauté them in oil with a dash of lemon at
the end. What a yummy, although bitter,
green for an early spring ‘tonic’! I
also make salve by infusing the dried blooms in oil. I like the dandelion salve for lip balm and
to massage sore, dry feet and ankles. My
daughters agree that it is helpful—we do not know if it is the massage or the
dandelion oil or both, but it eases the pain.
I am not
recommending that you plant them on purpose—I am sure you can find some dandelions,
somewhere, preferably in a place where no weed killer was applied. Last year, my favorite spring mornings were
spent in the sun, watching the bumblebees collect pollen from the dandelion
flowers while I picked a bag full of blossoms.
So, why not make a few dandelion chains and blow some seeds into the
wind--“If you can’t beat ‘em join ‘em!” -- I think I may make dandelion jelly
this spring.
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