by Yvette Henson
Earlier this year, March 22, I wrote an article for this
blog about season extension and our High Altitude Season Extension research
trials in the San Miguel Basin (San Miguel and West Montrose Counties in SW
Colorado). In that article, I said I
would post a follow up article about the different crops we have grown under
covers and how they have performed. This
is that article.
We have been conducting season extension trials since
2011. Our raised bed trial beds are
located in Telluride at 8750’ elevation.
Telluride has about a 60 day frost-free growing season from mid to late
June till the end of August/early September. In the previous blog post I gave a
summary of what we have learned about growing under the different season
extension covers that we chose and best uses for each cover based on how crops
perform grown under them.
The materials we chose for our covers are (left to right, in
the above photo): Agribon Ag30, a medium
weight (0.9 oz/yd2) spun-bonded polypropylene row cover fabric; Insulated 5mm
twin-wall SolexxTM XP paneling, a flexible polyethylene cover,
fitted with an automatic vent opener;
Dio-Betalon (Tuffbell 3800N) polyvinyl alcohol film and no cover for our
control bed. Initially, we layered
Dio-Betalon and 30% Row Cover but eventually we added another bed and separated
the two layers.In 2011-2012, 2012-2013 and 2014-2015 we grew different greens ‘through’ the winter. Eagle County and Teller County collaborated in the first two seasons by growing the same things along with us. We trialed several different varieties of spinach (Spinacia oleracea), kale (Brassica napus), lamb’s lettuce (Valerianella locusta) and arugula (Eruca sativa). In 2011, we planted in mid-September, got a very small harvest before the holidays and then started harvesting again in late February or early March. We learned that mid-August is the better planting time because the plants get more time to establish and we get a better pre-holiday harvest. All the greens did best under the Solexx cover followed closely by the 30% Row Cover + Dio-betalon layered. Kale didn’t overwinter well. Spinach and arugula produced the most with only some winter damage. The lamb’s lettuce was the hardiest green and the earliest to mature. It was also the only green that didn’t seem to be affected by day length and temperature. The other greens would stop growing when the days were the shortest and coldest and would resume growing when days began to get longer in late February.

2016, we grew 3 varieties of Open Pollinated broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica). We chose varieties that would produce both
heads and side shoots to extend the harvest.
We started the plants from seed and grew them out to seedling stage
before we planted them out in mid to late May.
Like carrots, broccoli is a cool season crop so it grew better under the
more ventilated covers. The Dio-Betalon
cover produced the earliest and highest yield of heads and the 30% Row Cover
produced the highest yield of shoots. We
found we preferred to eat the side shoots rather than the heads—they were
tenderer. Broccoli grows fine with no
cover, in fact no cover produced better yield than the Solexx cover. However, covers give the advantage of an earlier
harvest and protection from cabbage worms, etc.
In 2017 we grew 3 varieties of
bush green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). We also grew a short trial of bush green
beans in 2011 and a full trial in 2013, along with summer squash. The results of the 2017 bush bean trials
compared to the 2 earlier trials was so different and we are still trying to
figure it out. But in a nutshell, bush
beans grow much, much better under cover than with no cover! They are warm season crops so the additional
heat that some type of cover provides is definitely needed to grow them in the
This year we are growing 3 varieties of day-neutral
strawberries (Fragaria × ananassa). It
has been a challenging year to try to establish strawberries because of the
drought we are experiencing. We will continue
this trial in 2019 after we overwinter the plants under covers.

The Dio-Betalon cover gives early and good yields of all crops and so is a good choice for both warm season and cool season crops. Dio-Betalon lets in a lot of light and has produced good quality crops, especially colored lettuces. We’ve found the soil under this cover can dry out quickly. Cool-season crops do very well grown under the 30% row cover fabric. It creates a humid environment, the lushest vegetative growth and helps with seed germination. However, the moist environment also promotes disease. Dio-Betalon + 30% Row Cover layered increases the benefits as well as the drawbacks of either cover used alone. Both together let in less light. We don’t grow under both layers anymore. For some cool season crops planted at the recommended time (not extra early) the only benefit of covers is insect and critter control, shade and wind protection.
I’ll be glad to answer any questions you may have about
growing under cover and/or the varieties we have grown. Contact me at
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