When in the garden, most
people I talk with will blanch when I refer to a plant by its botanical
name. They may then laugh and ask, but
what is its NAME, I just want to know its NAME. But, when I say… “well, it’s a
daisy”, what image does that invoke and is it really that helpful? “Daisy” doesn’t tell us what color it is,
whether it has milky sap or not, if the leaves are hairy or smooth or any other
distinguishing feature it may possess.
In fact, it doesn’t tell us much more than it probably has ray and disc
flowers, which encompasses literally thousands of plants in the world.
This is why I love botanical
nomenclature and argue the case for using scientific names whenever I get the
chance. Scientific nomenclature may seem
daunting at first but once you get the hang of it, it’s not so bad,
really! And, with a little practice, the
six, eight or ten syllable words will just start to roll off your tongue.
In the 1700s, Swedish
naturalist Carl Linnaeus developed a binomial system of nomenclature in order
to group plants according to similar characteristics. And, with use of both a genus and species
name to describe a plant, each type of plant gets assigned a completely unique
botanical name. Scientific names are often
derived from Latin and recognizing some of the derivative words and prefixes
can really be helpful with the identification of plants. And, what is really great is that some of
these words you already know or can make a pretty good educated guess at!
Botanical names often are
descriptive and can give a clue to the plant’s specialized morphological
features (e.g., color, spots, texture or shape). For example, part of the name
may describe the color of the plant or flower:
rubescens: reddish
purpurea: purplish
glaucous: blue-gray
niger: black
Or, the
name may describe the shape, size or look of a flower:
large flowered
small flowered
umbellatum: umbrella-shaped
you are unsure of how many leaflets a plant has or what shape the leaves are…
never fear, the scientific name can help solve the mystery:
tridentata: 3-toothed
hirsute: hairy,
glabrous: smooth
angustifolia: narrow
sagittata: arrow-shaped
lanceolatus: lance-shaped
lineatus: striped, lined
In some
instances, names may also honor a person (not so helpful for identification
purposes, I will admit) or the plant’s native distribution, habit or other
interesting or unique characteristics.
pratensis: growing in meadows
tectorum: thatched roofs
coloradensis: from Colorado
montana: mountains
annuus: annual
toxi: poison
lacteus: milky
contorta: twisted
So, with all of that said, here are just a
few of my Colorado favorites that you may have planted in your garden or may
find growing along that hiking trail of yours in the spring. See
if the scientific names make sense to you …
Rocky Mountain Columbine (Aquilegia coerulea)
The genus, Aquilegia, comes from the Latin
word aquila,
which means "eagle", referencing the shape of the petals, which are
said to be like an eagle's claw. You can
see it, right? And, of course, the
species name, coerulea, describes the
flower color perfectly… “sky-blue”.
This beautiful native flower’s genus is Campanula, which… you guessed it, in
Latin means “small bell” and describes its distinct bell-shaped flowers. And, although the stem leaves are narrow and
grass like, the basal leaves are rounded, hence the species name, rotundifolia, which
literally means “round leaves”.
Bearberry, Kinnikinnick (Arctostaphylos

Common Snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus)
shrub with showy fruit is the common snowberry, which can be found growing up
to 8,500’. You can’t miss the distinct
white berries that mature in the fall and persist through the winter. Fittingly, the genus for this plant, Symphoricarpos,
means “clustered fruits” or “bunched berries”.
And, the species name, albus, refers to the color of the fruit…
white. So easy, right?

Beardtongue, Scarlet
Bugler, Firecracker Penstemon
(Penstemon barbatus)
This plant boasts stalks
of brilliant red flowers that hummingbirds love. Each flower has five stamens (although the
fifth is sterile), giving rise to its genus, Penstemon (pente = five, stamon = thread). Latin for “hairy” or “bearded” is barbatus,
which refers to the tuft of small hairs inside of the floral tube. Just another perfectly named plant!
See how wonderful it can be? So, I challenge you… embrace your inner
scientist, impress your friends, and give botanical nomenclature a chance!
Gledhill, David. The
Names of Plants. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2008.
Stearn, William, T. Stearn’s Dictionary of Plant Names for Gardeners: A Handbook on the
Origin and Meaning of the Botanical Names of Some Cultivated Plants. Portland,
OR: Timber, 2002.
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